The Penalty Goes on Tour of California

We are excited to announce the California Premier Tour of The Penalty from September 17-21!

The Penalty will tour California, from the Bay Area down to Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego, with six screenings in five days. At each stop, co-director Will Francome and producer Laura Shacham will join local criminal justice reform advocates to discuss the ways in which the death penalty system brutalizes everyone it touches.

Details and ticket links for all of the screenings are below and you can view more info at and

Don't forget to RSVP on Facebook for additional details and special guest announcements. Once you do, please help us by sharing the events far and wide. And please forward this email to anyone who may be interested! 

For those of you not in California
, we are in the midst of organising more screenings and if you'd like to get in touch to find out how you can HOST YOUR OWN screening, we'd love to hear from you

And for all our wonderful kickstarter backers waiting for digital downloads, we'll have more news for you soon too as our online plans come together. Thank you for your patience: we are looking forward to sharing the finished film with you all soon.

With all our thanks,
Will, Laura and Mark
